Dixieland jazz for Valentine’s Day

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Been here twenty years; just discovered the KW Dixieland Jazz Club. How does that happen?

Hit the Legion on Regina Street in Uptown Waterloo on Saturday, on the advice of my good friend Tony Reinhart. Said he on Friday: you gotta check out the jazz happening there, and bring your camera. What I found was three sets delivered by six players from Red Hot Ramble plus guests. I caught this photo above of the multi-talented Roberta Hunt as she leapt up from the piano. Alison Young was on sax, Glenn Anderson drums, Jack Zorawski bass, with Brigham Phillips on trumpet and Chris Butcher playing trombone.

Awesome experience with a different angle of jazz for me. The house was packed, the mixed drinks were $4.50, and the crowd was loving it. Y’all know my mission to get WR off their sofas and into the community. When I hit gigs like this, I think: I’ve found my people!

A few more pics…

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The Legion is moving up to Marsland Drive to a new home, but the KW Dixieland Jazz Club is going with them, as is the bartender.

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Glenn Anderson.

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Brigham Phillips on trumpet.

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Jack Zorawski.

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Show up at quarter after 2 and you’re at the back of the house.

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Tony and Vela watching the brass.

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I see Tenille, Tony, and Vela. I think Mae may be dancing somewhere. Good to see Colin Hunter there. I did a gig for Colin back when he was at IQC where we built a human-scale classic double-slit physics experiment. On a train.

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Here’s where I wish I was shooting video. I could see the band reflected in one hemisphere and the crowd in the other.

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L-to-R: Alison Young, Brigham Phillips, Chris Butcher, Glenn Anderson, Jack Zorawski, with Roberta Hunt…

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at the piano. What a voice! I shot Roberta back in 2013 at The Grand Porch Party.

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I got beads. The lifting of my shirt was not required.

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Set list.

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Love shooting…

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instruments. They have their own gravity.

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Chris Butcher. And the Queen.

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This takes me back to the Elks Club of my youth.

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Nancy Pauli (I believe) giving the thumbs up, sitting with her Red Wings jerseyed partner Wayne Pauli. They steer the Jazz Club here.

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Dancing was…

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Chris and Glenn. So good.

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Two is for Valentine’s Day, with Fat Tuesday coming up tomorrow.

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It may be cold, but to find the haps you gotta get your feet on the street. Definitely coming back for more. Bands play ever Saturday 2-5pm. $15 cover. Fri Feb 20, 7:30pm trumpeter, pianist, vocalist Jon Seiger is up.

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4 Responses to Dixieland jazz for Valentine’s Day

  1. Pingback: The KW Dixieland Jazz Club | Kitchener-Waterloo Dixieland Jazz Club

  2. Michael Du Boulay says:

    Nice job Darin;
    I’m impressed with your presentation of your “find !” Especially getting everybody’s name spelled correctly.
    Come back this Friday and Saturday as Jon Seiger is a fantastic entertainer. . .plays trumpet and piano at the same time. Sometimes invites me to join in with my bagpipes ! ! !
    We couldn’t hire a better spread advertising the KW Dixieland Jazz Club.
    warmest regards,

  3. The picture were fantastic. Nice to see a good turn out. We need more of this support for every band that comes and performs at The Legion.
    The Red Hot Ramble is made up of very talented musicians and they put on a good show.

    Keep on jazzin

    Dinny & Do

  4. Pingback: Reinhart and Hunt at The Boathouse | makebright

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