Category Archives: music
Grand Porch Party 2017–coming June 11 to Uptown West
If you’re new and don’t know about The Grand Porch Party, get this in your calendar right now: Sunday, June 11, 2017 2pm-5pm in Uptown Waterloo West (more specifically: here). It’s porches + live music. It’s free-no-pay, hipster-friendly, dog-friendly, wheelchair-friendly, … Continue reading
Open Jam at The Jazz Room
Andriy Tikhonov (left) along with Steve Montgomery, a director with the Grand River Jazz Society and sound engineer Jeremy Bernard tried a social/musical experiment on Saturday: they hosted an open jam for jazz and blues players at The Jazz Room … Continue reading
Making music where beer was made: WTMC
Nobody has ever mistakenly identified me as an improvisational musician. I am not that. I am, however, a fan of new things, tech+music things, DIY things and things that bring people together for whatever reason. Waterloo Tape Music Club is … Continue reading
RAMBATAM I–Newtonian musics in DTK
A couple weeks back I finally got myself to an Ian Newton jam. Over the years, fortune has repeatedly conspired against me, preventing attendance at Ian’s legendary Blue Dot parties and Kabelsalat series. But not this time, friends. This time … Continue reading
The Jazz Room–5 years
I meet Stephen Preece back in 2011 at a talking-about-the-arts thing. He said: I’m working with a bunch of people to create a jazz club in Waterloo. Said I: that sounds pretty wicked, how can I help? A day later … Continue reading
Funked up serial modernism with the Kyle Brenders Big Band
I hit The Jazz Room in Waterloo late Thursday night to catch the Kyle Brenders Big Band mashing up the atonal compositions of Webern and Schoenberg with funk a la George Clinton and Parliament. That all sounds like I sort … Continue reading
Trilencia–a band is born
A ran into my friend Tom Nagy a couple weeks back at the Jane’s Walk of public art in DTK. I know Tom from around The Jazz Room, around CAFKA, around Little Libraries KW, and the many other places our … Continue reading
1shot #254-opportunity
Last week I found Erik playing the most beautiful music amid the most baffling uptown visual esthetic. Outside the liquor store. Within this photo lies our challenges and opportunities. At King and William, this is Waterloo. DW
Open Ears this weekend
Montreal’s Lori Freedman stretched our minds today at Communitech, collaborating in a performance piece with dancer Marc Boivin. My friend Ben Grossman from Guelph opened this Open Ears gig called Supercollider with his haunting hurdy gurdy. Composer James Harley was … Continue reading
Reinhart and Hunt at The Boathouse
I hit The Boathouse last Thursday night after a rather hectic week. Caught a great set of the mellow urban folk sounds of Mr. Michael Reinhart, born and bred in Kitchener and now hailing from Montreal. Opening for Michael was … Continue reading