
Maker Expo 2015 245

I helped organize Maker Expo, an event in Downtown Kitchener featuring 100 makers from diverse domains. We drew 7500 people to the free event. My role in the event was both seeking sponsorship and creating and executing a strategy to introduce the event to the community and drive encourage participation from makers, volunteers, and attendees. The bulk of my contributions are hosted on the Maker Expo Blog. We’re going again! (2015, 2016)


I helped organize the FLASH Photography Show (Jan 2015), featuring Pulitzer Prize Winner Barbara Davidson and 100 local photogs. My focus was on show promotion. I hosted a ton of blog posts on makebright for FLASH and pumped social media to raise visibility. We drew a crowd of 300 and had a waiting list of another hundred.

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My third child: back in 2009 I helped create an amazing makerspace called kwartzlab in Kitchener. What started as an idea, became a community of makers that, 7 years later, is 65+ members strong, inspiring and supporting makerly endeavours around Waterloo Region. While I left in 2011 to create this jam, makebright, I am a diehard friend of kwartzlab and hang out with these makers on a regular basis.

Here’s where my storytelling work and community engagement began: read all about it here. (2009-2010)

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