Waldo found: the man beneath the tuque

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Last Friday after an early-evening coffee, Brohemus and I wandered into the public square uptown as we’ve been known to do. Here we found my friend and City of Waterloo’s Festival and Events Specialist, Mr. Josh Bean. Josh programs the square and regular readers may remember him inviting passers-by to play board games back in the spring.

To follow along with this costumed character of civic engagement you should check out the Create Waterloo fb page, which seems to offer the most current info.

Josh cooked up this Waldo costume to *live* the job for his/our pre-Halloween Scare in the Square event, highlighting the first of three things I really like about him: a well-developed sense of humour

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The second thing I like about Josh…

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is that he shows up and keeps showing up. It was freezing on said night and there he was getting’ ‘er done amid sparse uptown foot traffic, handing out free apple cider and talkin’ with the people.

The third thing I like about Josh…

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is that he keeps coming up with cool ideas that are different and quirky and quite delightfully out of the ordinary for Waterloo. And the really interesting part is the legwork he does behind the scenes to execute on those ideas.

The point here is #1 to tip my hat and #2 to say to you: here’s somebody doing something different so help him out if you can.

Footnote #1: wrt the title of this post, I am completely uncommitted to any particular spelling of tuque/toque/touque.

Footnote #2: I’m helping Josh with a workshop on event communication/promotion on Nov 15 at the old train station by Perimeter Institute. It’s free-no-pay. I have a few observations about this stuff from work with kwartzlab, FLASH Photography, Maker Expo, and all the stuff I do here on makebright.  I’ll be there with Jane Barkley from IM at Events. Join us.

At King and Willis Way, this is Waterloo.


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