Category Archives: community
Art + awareness–toward safe affordable housing
I’m thinking about three things for the whole community: accessible mental health care, food security and safe, affordable housing. I’m woefully under-informed in all of these domains, but I’m a pretty good listener. I hit the Outsider Art Show on … Continue reading
Sustaining community jams
Eric Rumble, Night\Shift founder and festival director On Sunday afternoon, I read the farewell for Downtown Kitchener cultural mashup event: Night\Shift. My friend, Eric Rumble, N\S founder and festival director, offered a familiar explanation, one with which I can sympathize. … Continue reading
Waldo found: the man beneath the tuque
Last Friday after an early-evening coffee, Brohemus and I wandered into the public square uptown as we’ve been known to do. Here we found my friend and City of Waterloo’s Festival and Events Specialist, Mr. Josh Bean. Josh programs the … Continue reading
Inside The Working Centre: toward understanding
Sometimes I take very few photos so that I can listen better. And sometimes I need to ponder at some length what I have heard and experienced. This story emerges from a confluence of those conditions. Here’s the preface: There … Continue reading
A thank you that reaffirmed my work
Every once in a while, I get a thank you, so heartfelt that it stops me in my tracks and makes me remember why I started makebright back in 2010: to contribute something positive to the community, to have made … Continue reading
1shot #263-Rejoice Waterloo: pavement markings on King St S
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! Pavement markings are sparkling in the morning light on King Street South at Allen. This makes me disproportionately happy. Excelsior! Uptown, this is Waterloo. DW
On risk…
I’ve been thinking about this photo for six weeks since I shot it on King Street near Erb. Someone’s bike, stripped to the nuts, still chained to a construction fence. My first reaction was anger: “Who does this?” For a … Continue reading
Connect squared
Josh Bean (left) recently joined Waterloo’s Arts & Culture team. I met him through Jonathan Massimi, and considering they are both social activators coming out of Brantford, perhaps we should look to our southern neighbour and ask if they have … Continue reading
Got square?
The public square is the heart of any city. It’s the IRL gathering place. I have long loved Kitchener’s square, connected as it is to City Hall: the building for the people. I’m getting to like and know better Cambridge’s … Continue reading
Blacksmiths forge poppies for Ypres
My very good friend Sandra Dunn is one of 12 international blacksmiths invited to create a panel for a World War I Cenotaph in Ypres, Belgium. In September, Sandra will lead a team of six blacksmiths in Ypres to build … Continue reading