I hit the monthly Hub Unplugged event last night at Communitech. Live music, drinks, lots of connections. For all the talk in the community at large of the necessity of creating a fun place that attracts and retains the talent necessary to instantiate a supercluster, this little shindig is a concrete and recurring example of getting shit done. I’m going to talk more in the next few weeks about moving from recognition to talk to action on so-called “place-making”, so for now just look at the totally unnecessary number of photos that follow.
Oh, and if the white balance looks whacked in these photos, that’s because it is. The Hub offers awesome camaraderie as well as three(!) temperatures of light: big windows for daylight, some ginormous sodium lights, and more aesthetic compact fluorescents. For this shoot, I wasn’t interested in blasting people with strobes, so I did the best I could.
Set list for…
this guy, who I want to call “Ryan”, and if I wasn’t so busy shooting and drinking a beer I would have heard…
our host Communitech CEO Iain Klugman introduce him.
Miro Cernetig and Rod Regier.
Chris Plunkett
Kitchener Mayor Carl Zehr
David Fransen and Marc Andrew.
Waterloo mayoral candidate Dave Jaworsky. He gets my vote on Monday, October 27th. Oh yeah: VOTE! For somebody. Or multiple somebodies. We can’t win if you don’t play.
Tony Reinhart
Rod Regier. An aside: I’m in the Rod Regier urban development fan club.
Jeff Nesbitt
Samantha Clark.
Hussam Ayyad
Marylin Ma with Nadia.
Communitech maker-in-residence Kurt Schwarz, jammin’ a slider. I rarely shoot people eating, it always looks bad, but Kurt dared me.
Mike Murray
Terry Pender (right)
Marc Andrew
Catherine Bischoff
Paul Maxwell, putting together the music and drinks via Maxwell’s Music House.
Jonathan Reichental, CIO of Palo Alto in the house. To hear what’s happening in his city will blow your hair back, starting with open data.
Kayleigh Platz and Miro
That’s it! Drinks, fun, music, talking. Low-cost and huge value.
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