Well, it’s been a while since I’ve made the rounds of Maxwell’s Music House, but I bumped into Paul Maxwell at the last Hub Unplugged and asked him how the new venue was progressing. He said drop around some time for a tour, so I did.
The TL;DR for those catching up: Paul Maxwell and Dave Mansell came out of Laurier and started up Maxwell’s Music House on King Street. They carved out a unique music venue here and last year made plans to shift to larger digs just around the corner on University Ave. Surmounting some hurdles, the buildout in the old Dooley’s pool hall is almost complete and the big launch is December 12. Going to be pretty cool to have a 900-person music venue in the heart of Waterloo. My favourite kind of music? Live music.
A few pics of the under construction phase…
Impromptu visit. Texted Paul and he was just rolling in.
New awning is up.
Paul Maxwell.
barn board from the Malton area. This will be used to face the bar.
Reclaimed church pews to be installed.
Lines for the beer taps…
from the high-tech beer cooler mothership.
The office.
This is a cool feature. It’s a configurable space by way of these roll-up doors. The overall is divided for smaller gigs up front to 170 people or 900 with the doors up.
This caught my eye. It was like some sort of installation piece…
but it was just some old Dooley’s furniture stashed away during construction.
This new floor is going to get a good mop up.
There’s the bar at the back right.
Tool fetish.
Roll in the kitchen gear.
All the best to Maxwell’s. Bring on the music.