My photos atop Kitchener City Hall–starts today

Looking Up and In - The Cube Projection

Looking Up and In launched 019

I just delivered my latest piece in the Looking Up and In series to the City of Kitchener for projection atop City Hall on The Cube.  I believe this show runs nightly from mid-May to mid-June, 8:30pm to 10:00pm.  Brohemus and I checked out the final deliverable last night (photo above) and at current sunset times, the piece looks really good by 9:15pm.

Next week, I’m going to give a talk on the project at City Hall, all are invited.  Just confirming a date for that. [Update: talk is Thursday, May 23 at 8:30pm.  Here’s the invite.]  Deets will be here, and fb, and tw.  I’m going to speed-talk through the concept, the technical and creative photography challenges, and the design/construction of the rig I used to illuminate and shoot the photos.  All that in only 20 minutes, because honestly, who can pay attention for longer than that?  And, in true maker spirit, I’ll bring all the gear with me so you can check it out and ask questions.

What’s this all about?  I put together a statement back in September 2012 when I started this series.  And since every photographer needs money to buy more gear, I’ll mention that I have prints available of these photos and others.


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3 Responses to My photos atop Kitchener City Hall–starts today

  1. Pingback: You are invited to a talk on Looking Up and In | makebright

  2. Pingback: King Street Art Market-DTK shows the way | makebright

  3. Pingback: Pascal Dufaux at KSP – Part 1/2 – the reception | makebright

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