Yes, this is *exactly* what you think it is: a bicycle absolutely caked with paperclips. CAFKA connected some great artists and their work with The Walper Hotel in DTK and the reception was Thursday night. Show runs through Aug 11. Def check it out.
Artists are Laura De Decker (Waterloo, ON), Dave Dyment (Toronto, ON), Manuela Lalic (Montréal, QC), Tor Lukasic-Foss (Hamilton, ON), Ellen Moffat (Saskatoon, SK), Janet Morton (Guelph, ON), Daniel Olson (Montréal, QC), and Stephanie Vegh (Hamilton, ON)
Laura De Decker’s work in the lobby.
Lots of familiar faces around: Robin, Sue, Agnes…
Bernie and Laura.
Marcel and the photographer I need to apologize to for a completely unintentional photo-bomb. Sorry dude.
Melissa and nik.
Bill, James, and and…
The internet before affordable computing and storage. Kidding, it’s art with a cool mirror effect across the hall.
And we were all transfixed in the uncanny valley of this piece.
The paperclip bike also had cacti. You really gotta see it.
Couldn’t stay long as we had to book it over to The Cube at City Hall to check out exposure test #2 for my Looking Up and In show to be projected up top mid-May to mid-June from 8:30 to 10pm most/many/some nights.