Tag Archives: CAFKA
The best art changes us
On Monday, I wandered through the cold, slick autumn night to hear artist Don Miller talk. The CAFKA Rewind series of talks at WPL, piquing your curiosity between biennials, brings back CAFKA alumni to talk about their work and in … Continue reading
For the love of CAFKA
CAFKA == Contemporary Art Forum Kitchener and Area. It’s a great thing. On this day of Valentinian love, I thought I’d dig up a whack of pics from CAFKA.16 that never saw the light of day and share ‘em with … Continue reading
Hub Haps #002-talking photography at The Tannery
Had a productive conversation about photography on Friday with representation from CAFKA, Christie Digital, Foto:RE, Communitech and the ever-awesome Catherine Bischoff. Stay tuned for more shortly. And let me say that this photo does not do justice to the panoramic … Continue reading
Pascal Dufaux at KSP – Part 1/2 – the reception
I got down to the Kitchener Studio Project on Wednesday for the opening reception for Pascal Dufaux’s piece The Cosmos In Which We Live, Chapter II. Pascal (left) gave a great talk to the assembled crowd on the concepts and … Continue reading
Pascal Dufaux at KSP – Part 2/2 – the installation
Pascal reached out to me before the opening of his show for a little help to spread the word. I’ve found good photos to be pretty effective in that capacity, so I met up with Pascal on the Monday before … Continue reading
CAFKA Biennial + Open Ears: here’s your starting line-up
On Wednesday, after the reception for Pascal Dufaux’s installation, I tagged along with the CAFKA posse over to the Cork Bar for a press event. On the agenda was the double announcement of the 2014 CAFKA Biennial and Open Ears … Continue reading
Pascal Dufaux–Christie Digital/CAFKA installation
Get down to the Kitchener Studio Project this Wednesday (tomorrow!) and check out my friend’s trippy installation. I caught up with Pascal Dufaux earlier in the week to talk about and photograph his latest piece The Cosmos In Which We … Continue reading
CAFKA + Walper Hotel + great art = cultural profit
Yes, this is *exactly* what you think it is: a bicycle absolutely caked with paperclips. CAFKA connected some great artists and their work with The Walper Hotel in DTK and the reception was Thursday night. Show runs through Aug 11. … Continue reading
CAFKA 2011 is on… check it out.
Contemporary Arts Forum Kitchener + Area is on now. Check it out and stretch your mind. Brother Dave (his pic above despite the watermark) and I were wandering the core on Saturday…