The man from Portland, Traverse City, and many points south of the border, designer and all-around-good-guy, Mr. Aaron James Draplin,…
creative guru behind the Draplin Design Company, stopped by the Princess Twin theatre to talk design horse sense and life lessons on his All Points Ontario Sprint 2012 Tour. Our local friend in design,…
Mr. Jon Johnson of Bearface Design (if you love the posters for Starlight, Princess, and Jane Bond, then you love his work) heard Drap was speaking in Ottawa and T.O. and reached out to the man with an invite to visit Waterloo. And the man said yes.
So, Jon spun up the event, tickets, venue, promo, and it was on. Many thanks, Jon. Respect.
I was hoping for DDC merch, and merch there was. I picked up these awesome orange versions of Aaron’s classic Field Notes notebooks. The special edition Draplin-inspired drink coasters on the right were printed up by my good friend…
Matthew Reynolds, who you will remember from my post on his garage printing press party last year, where we got the full-on working demo of his 1953 Heidelberg press. The very same press that made…
these coasters and quote cards, which got the…
thumbs up from Aaron. Thanks Matthew!
Good-sized crowd turned out, and cleared out the…
rest of the merchandise, including these…
posters of Canadiana.
Thanks a lot, Aaron, for dropping by our humble city, and props again to Bearface Johnson for making it happen.
Happy making,
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