Art Allies show at WalterFedy

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Oil on canvas – “Verge” – David G. White

Two great art forces came together on Thursday night: Art Allies connected with curator Suzanne Luke at WalterFedy to host the second show of original art from the region.  This is another one of those everybody-wins situations where artists get paid rental for the 3 months their work hangs, any sales from the show go 75/25 artist/Art Allies, and WalterFedy gets some awesome and fresh art in their amazing space.

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I love…

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hanging out…

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at WalterFedy…

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with my pals from Art Allies.

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Oil on canvas – Murray Dekeyser

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Portfolio of concrete and steel work – Denise Strong

My friend Denise Strong was showing her amazing paintings on distressed plywood.  A must-see.

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Acrylic on panel – nik harron

nik was there, and everywhere.

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Latex, enamel spray paint on canvas – David Hoover

Great catching up with Dave Hoover and making summer plans for a personal street art tour.

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Oil on canvas – David G. White, Encaustic – Michelle Salter, Acrylic on canvas – Amy Roger

Had a nice chat with Wendy and Rob (at right) about art happenings and The Jazz Room.

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Hey, look who started working with Art Allies…

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That’s right: my pal Jennifer Bedford.  Awesome.  (a wine bottle sort of exploded.  On Jenn).

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Fantastic details in the space.  Very inspiring.  A great energy here.

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Mixed media – John Hofstetter

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Mixed media – John Hofstetter

Love the textures in John’s work.

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Sepia-toned etching on paper – Laura Perrin

My photog friend, Raegan Little (left).  I believe we have a deal to take a photo walk, right RL?

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Acrylic and oil on hand carved wood – Peter Schacht

Art meets boardroom.  Great idea.

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Then it got busy…

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with lots of chatting…



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and speeches by Art Allies chief, Jacqui Murphy—hold on, who’s that at right shooting me?

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Hilary practiced meta-photography… and then I guess so did I.

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Good chat with Juanita Metzger (in blue) and her husband Trent.

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Amy, Gavin, Gabrielle, Bryan, Juanita, Trent in the house.

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This doubles as the lunchroom.

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My brohemus, David G. White chatting with Peter Lenardon.

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H. is yukking it up.  Did I mention I miss RQ Magazine posts?

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Oil on canvas – James Nye 

That’s a giant piece from James from the NYC series.  It really pops off that red wall.

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Pam’s boots may be considered art.

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Oil on canvas – “Verge” – David G. White

Dave and I would love to sell you this painting.  It’s awesome and we need to buy more canvas stretchers.

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Encaustic – Michelle Salter, Acrylic on canvas – Amy Roger

Amy’s making the rounds.

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Dave Hoover in cap.

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Action Jacqui at reception.

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Acylic and stainless steel on canvas – Joel Masewich

Reflecting Cathy Farwell reflecting on this piece by Joel Masewich.   It’s important to note that it was Cathy’s idea to connect WalterFedy with a part-time pro curator to get great art into a great space for great people on a regular basis and get artists paid.  Respect.

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Jacqui Murphy, Art Allies creative instigator.  If I was a more competent photographer, there would be a good pic of curator Suzanne Luke right after this one.  Suzanne put together an awesome show and I don’t think curators get the credit they deserve, especially among those newer to the domain.

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Oil on canvas – David G. White

Mr. Nye standing in front of Dave’s piece that sold that night: YES!

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Len Ruby of Krug Furniture chatting with Darrin Snider, one of our hosts and Director of Business Development at WalterFedy.

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H. and Roger Farwell, architect and partner at WalterFedy.  For those still in winter hibernation, let’s give a proper shout out to Hilary on her new job with Rod Regier’s team at The City of Kitchener, Economic Development group.  RIM’s loss is the city’s gain.

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Artists Jennifer Depencier and Laurie Wonfor Nolan mugging for the camera.  Both hailing from Hespeler where they build out the creative ecosystem by the river.

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Oil on canvas – “Verge” – David G. White

I’ve gotta put a shout out to Debbie Robson (far left), one of makebright’s most faithful readers.  Cheers!

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Best in shoe.  Hoping to see a lot of shoes at the next cultural meetup.  What’s that?  I don’t know: follow @ArtAllies on twitter like I do, or hit ‘em on Facebook, or sign up for their email newsletter.  Or if you buy me lunch occasionally I’ll be happy to occasionally tell you about these things.

Happy making,


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4 Responses to Art Allies show at WalterFedy

  1. Denise Strong says:

    You do Make Bright Darin…….thank you. denise.

  2. Great job capturing a great show 🙂

  3. Debbie Robson says:

    Darin, now that we’ve been formally introduced, I can take my addiction to your blog public!
    Great post as always.

  4. Gary Young says:

    Darin, I’ll be happy to buy you lunch (if I can take occasional notes)…!

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