Photo review from the RMS shoot

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Had a great meeting of the photography minds up at Cathy Farwell’s studio last Sunday morning.  It was a gathering of the photographers that Cathy had invited to the authorized urban exploration photo shoot back in March of the now-empty RMS factory.

Ramy, Roger, Mark, Larry, Jacqui, Sean, Fatima, Denise, Nicholas, Susan, and a few others came out…

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to have a look at a few pics from each contributor.

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I invited my pal, James Bastow, who is rockin’ his blog pretty hard with great pictures.  JB makes me a better photographer by trading tips with me and shooting stuff we’re both very interested in.

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Serious faces…

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all around, for what was a very…

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inspiring morning.  It was really cool how all of us had been in the same space and captured such a diverse array of images.  Also interesting to note some of the common threads (15!).  There was some really interesting discussion afterward with Jacqui Murphy of Art Allies around what kind of support local photographers need in order to thrive.

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Thanks again, Cathy!  Lots of spin-off ideas from this including: a book of the photos, a show of the photos, a local photog club for keeners.  All good stuff.

Cathy is a dynamo of art goodness in our community including the awesome BOX Art Show & Sale.  The call is now out to artists to submit work to the jury for this show.  I’m helping BOX this year as a story-teller (of sorts) in the social media and cool idea domains, raising awareness of the show.  If you’d like to pitch in with me, please give me a shout.

Happy making,


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