Another Tri-City Stopgap art popup starts today

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What: 40 artists showing work in the back of ZM Cycle and Fitness
When: today+ Tue-Sat (see facebook for hours, I will be tending the show Wed 3:30-6pm)
Party: May 27, 2017, 7pm
Where: 131 Strange Street, Kitchener (map link)
Really where: go all the way down the right side of the building all the way to the back
Park: some parking in the **back** lot at 131, some street parking on Waverly or Cherry
Bike: Iron Horse Trail, then east on Gage, cut through school yard to Strange
Transit: #7 gets you to Park and Dominion, #31 gets you to Park+Glasgow, 23 min walk from Charles Terminal/DTK
Who: organized by Tri-City Stopgap artist collective (Mike Ambedian, Nadine Badran, Sheila McMath)
Cost: free-no-pay

Here’s Mike hanging work on Saturday.

Interlude: if you dig my community-building work through these stories, please consider supporting it with your pocket change. My awesome patrons help me pay for the gear, software and services I need to get this work in front of you. Shout to new patron Tom Nagy! Ok, on with the story!


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I stopped in a bit earlier in the week on Thursday to see how things were going. Totally different venue this time, same great people making it happen.

The TL;DR: come to the party on Saturday night, 7pm. It will be fun.

The Tri-City Stopgap first did a popup show back in 2014. It was terrific. Great mix of artists and work, which I gather is sort of the point. Same deal this time. This crew attracts talent across a broad range of experience. Same deal this time. It feels like a show by artists for artists. Mike, Nadine and Sheila are just the nicest bunch of people you’ll meet. Super-chill. For me, it felt like a perfect opportunity to try out some non-representational work out of recent experiments in the studio.

Speaking recently with Mike, he noted that finding a venue and especially one owned by someone who understands the idea of a pop-up is challenging. In this case, the match up of art with cycling under one roof for a week seems like a good fit toward making the world a better place. Mike asked me if I could imagine this as an artist-run space and I told him I would always answer yes to that question, wherever we stand. If you’ve got space and would like to support a popup show, come to the party and meet the crew and see firsthand what it looks like. Then connect with

Click through for a few more pics…

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On Thursday, I found Nadine wrangling submitted art.

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It’s a tremendous amount of work to put this all together. Getting funds for insurance and materials. Find a venue. Call for artists. Collect the work. Hang the work. Label the work. Arrange the volunteers to tend the gallery through the week. Organize the wrap-up party. Tear down the show. Art pickup. Restore the venue.

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The volunteer crew painted this whole room white for the show.

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There’s the AirBoss plant on the other side of the tracks.

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My fave carryall bag.

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Art in there.

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But this sort of looks like art, too.

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I came back on Saturday, slightly better equipped to hang my unmounted work.

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Saws stay outside the gallery space.

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Incidental art.

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Bikes over there, art over here.

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Mike mounted 2×4’s around the otherwise cinder block room so work could be hung. Here, he’s putting in extra backing for my piece. Thanks bud!

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Hey, one of Jim’s prints.

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Some prints I did. Shot these on Wednesday last week. Fresh for you!

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One of Mike’s pieces.

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You are here.

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Be sure to go around back.

Art! This is us.


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