Grand Porch Party 2017–coming June 11 to Uptown West

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If you’re new and don’t know about The Grand Porch Party, get this in your calendar right now: Sunday, June 11, 2017 2pm-5pm in Uptown Waterloo West (more specifically: here). It’s porches + live music. It’s free-no-pay, hipster-friendly, dog-friendly, wheelchair-friendly, kid-friendly, teenager-friendly, well you get the idea. If you can, buy merch from the players. I’ve been loving this super-chill neighbourhood jam for five years now.

I dug up a few pics from *last* year so I could show you what awaits.

Here’s Rufus and Sam. Unfortunately-placed water bottles aside, these guys are the top shot for this piece because, man, they can *sing* and play. Serious talent. And here’s the hard part for you: when you find someone you really like, you’re going to be torn between sticking with them through their whole set or moving up the block to hear other artists. That three hours goes by quickly.

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I see Colin. Hey, click through for a completely reasonable 8 additional pics from last year, but most importantly, get yourself to the Grand Porch Party on June 11 and bring your friends. Big shout out to the organizers, volunteers, sponsors, porch providers and musicians who make it happen.


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I see Rumble and Tiffany.

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This is the dream. People reclaim roads from cars and talk to each other.

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Andriy on keys!

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Lots of shade and sun.

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WTFC playing at full tilt.

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And I believe this is Tom and his posse of players.

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This is us.


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