Bromonculus and I were out roaming the Waterloo streets on Brother Night again. After McMullan’s killer combo of pizza and beer, I was determined to get some freaky streaky photos on King. Above, we shot King looking north toward Dupont from the relative safety between the cars. Four buses later, we had the shot we wanted.
Probably have walked by this alley 200 times…
and only wandered in that night to get the photo.
This looked so surreal against the dark street.
I have a soft spot for independent variety stores.
Between the full moon, the streetlight, and the window, I thought this was some kind of spin on Orion’s belt.
I was really digging the blue lights glowing from inside the buses.
Looking east on Erb from King.
Shooting straight up through the pergola in Waterloo Park.
Now this is what I really was interested in exploring: up-lighting leafless trees with a flash. Pro-tip: figure out how Commander mode on the flash works before going out in the cold and dark. Here’s Dave going around the tree firing the flash manually.
What I like about this is how the bright trees look like arteries, veins, and capillaries against the dark sky.
Shot quite a few of the Perimeter Institute and after doing a bunch landscape, Dave said to shoot it portrait because everybody defaults to landscape for landscapes. Good instinct, I think.
The moon was so bright that lens flare was challenge. I’m sure one of my readers can tell us how to minimize that. Polarizing filter?
Clean the lens?
Dock light meets moon.
Looking forward to more night shoots as the weather gets warmer (than 6°C), but this shoot was very peaceful after a week that involved far too much complication around photography.
Happy making,
Love all of these shots Darin. Gives me some ideas 😉