Tag Archives: market
1shot #265-market cowboy
When the buskin’ is done. Haven’t had a 1shot here in a while, so here’s Nicky Lee packing up last Saturday at SJFM. The sun warmed up the picnic tables and this fella’s work ethic emptied my pocket of change. … Continue reading
Sarah Granskou: art felt in DTK
A couple weeks back, I found myself wandering the Kitchener Market while on a break from The Summer Institute program at The Working Centre. Serendipity connected me with fibre artist Sarah Granskou who I previously only knew from a phone … Continue reading
1shot #241-some days all you see is the fence…
Allegory of the Farmers’ Market. On Weber Street North, this is Waterloo Region. DW
Ignite Waterloo #14–Kitchener Market style
I must be a little like Halley’s Comet, though with a shorter 3-year period, in that I’m getting back around to some events that I haven’t shot in while. Close on the heels of last week’s Felt Lab revisit, was … Continue reading