Tag Archives: ice
1shot #165-some days all you see is the fence…
But today I saw beautiful, impermanent lenses sparkling in the noon sun. This is the fence around the lot where ish & chips burned down on King St in uptown Waterloo. Water must have dripped down from the adjacent building … Continue reading
Looking through
Bad weather really does make for some interesting photos. The freezing rain here in Waterloo today made a quarter-inch crust of textured ice on top of the snow. Carefully lifting a slab of that and pouring some warm water … Continue reading
On the rocks
Glorious ice storm here for the past two days. The big melt began this afternoon, so I spent my lunch hour wandering about shooting whatever looked interesting. It’s true: bad weather makes the best photos. Click through for more pics.
1shot #100-winter’s teeth
In the alley behind King Street Cycle.