Tag Archives: birds
Eisenstein meets Hitchcock at the Rec Complex
Having watched far too many movies, I couldn’t help thinking of Sergei Eisenstein’s Battleship Potemkin crossed with Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds when I saw this scene on Saturday morning. But these are not the Odessa Steps… but rather the back … Continue reading
1shot #185-loss of separation
This is the image I brought to August’s 3rdThur photo review with Foto:RE. You are seeing the post-review tuned up version that incorporates great feedback from Sean Puckett. He suggested I crop a bit more on the right side and … Continue reading
1shot #092-everything is fine
Regina St.
1shot #088-like holes in air
These crows, eating guts from garbage on the train tracks off King St in Waterloo… they were so black that they seemed like holes in air.
1shot #056-it’s called a murder
As I stepped outside this evening, I saw thousands of crows on the rooftop and trees and thick in the air overhead. Brohemus assures me this happens each year at this time. Amazing. DW
Dave sees world #009
Photo – David G. White Skylight. Prints for sale. Just email me. DW
Soundscape-Not our problem
[audio:2012-06-14%20King%20St%20walk%207pm_siren_ambulance.mp3|titles=Not our problem|artists=dw] Or just grab the MP3 (6MB). DW