Talking photography at Christie Digital

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Back in August, I mentioned that I was working with a group on a photography-related event. Well, those productive discussions continued yesterday at Christie Digital HQ on Wellington Street. That was my first visit to Christie and as someone who works a lot in a visual medium, you could say that it blew my hair back.

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Speaking of visual, my pal Jon Johnson was on the scene to…

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share some…

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work that he’s been doing toward this effort. Forgive me the psychedelic MicroTile photo. I was shooting a far-too-fast shutter speed of 1/1600 here. Note the first photo in this post was shot at 1/80 of a second, allowing the camera to capture the complete refresh cycle of the DLP projector inside each MicroTile. There… that sounded like I knew what I was talking about. In real life, these displays are ah-mazing. Just wicked!

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Jon had our rapt attention and things are moving along. I know this is all fairly obtuse, but there are a few key elements to lock in before we can start talking about this thing. This awesome excellent thing.


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2 Responses to Talking photography at Christie Digital

  1. Jude says:

    Sounds interesting…

  2. Jon Johnson says:

    You missed me talking about how nerdily excited I was to be in that building.

    That wall was amazing!

    And the glass wall/screen/whiteboard!?

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