Going vegetarian…

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Well… not permanently. But if any joint had a shot at distracting me from my carnivorous pursuits it would be The Jane Bond. Brohemus and I hit the café last week for Bro Night. We had great food and service. There’s a pretty good selection of beer, too. Mostly I just like the chill vibe there and can’t wait for the doors to open to the back patio once the weather warms up.

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As we were wrapping up, my new friend Jordan Mandel arrived to DJ…

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It’s always photo challenge time here with possibly the lowest ambient light in Waterloo Region eateries.

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Maybe that makes us all look better.

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Meta Dave White.

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Yes, uptown construction sucks, but it’s totally manageable. There’s parking on pretty much every side street. Just avoid King. Leave yer sofa. Join us.

On Princess Street, this is Waterloo.


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