1shot #223-photography as a gateway to adventure

Photo: Marc Dease – used with permission, scanned from print

I always tell my kids that photography is really just an excuse to meet people. I didn’t invent that: I grew up observing it in action. My Pop started photographing Great Lakes freighters in the 70’s as they passed near our house, travelling up and down the St. Clair River where it meets Lake Huron. Through some combination of sharing photos and his chatty good nature, he was invited to ride along on 21 trips aboard these quiet giants in his lifetime.

He loved all the boats, but I think there was a special place in his heart for the MV Richard Reiss. The photo above by Marc Dease shows Duncan posing at the wheel of the Reiss in May 1987.

Photo: Marc Dease – used with permission, scanned from print

Pop became good friends with Captain Arne Kristenson (right) and was rarely seen without his camera in hand. I know that look in his eyes in this photo. It’s the look of an adventure that started with a photograph.

So much for a 1shot. Today, you get two, Pop.

Thanks to excellent photographer and friend Marc Dease of Point Edward for permission to share these photos online. Check out Marc’s work on rail, boats, and planes.


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One Response to 1shot #223-photography as a gateway to adventure

  1. Marc Dease says:

    Awesome job Darin, we sure miss him.

    All the Dease’s.

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