Hard at work, I found our FLASH 2015 curation panel reviewing open call submissions on a very frosty Wednesday night last week. From left, Catherine Bischoff, Shirley Madill, Gordon Hatt, and Mark Walton were camped out in the boardroom of Whiting Design in Uptown Waterloo. Notifications are coming out very soon.
I dropped in after hitting another meeting around the corner, so I only caught the last third of the photos, but a couple of things struck me. Firstly, it is frigging awesome that so many people submitted work. You get points in my book for engaging. Bravo! The second thing is that I can learn a lot by listening to others discuss the merits of a whack of photos. It really made me reflect on my work and inspired me to keep pushing to improve.
I’m fielding a lot of questions this week about tickets from those who didn’t believe me when I said back in December that this show would sell out. Get yourself on the wait-list by clicking “Add Me to the Waitlist” if you’re in that boat. We’re going to be prompting ticket holders leading up to the show to relinquish their tickets if they’re not able to attend, and that may open up a seat for you. But only if you’re on the wait-list.
A little heads-up for the big night: you absolutely must have a ticket to get into the event. Showing up sans-billet because you know one of the organizers or hope to snag a ticket at the door will lead to disappointment. Gonna be a great show.
Tools of the trade. George Tsintzouras and I were hanging out in the background as the panel did their work.
Say hello if you see me on the 23rd. I’ll be the guy walking around photographing the photographers. Uber meta!