Alex Marshall of George Briggs Media generously hosted our monthly 3rdThur photo review last night. I gotta say this was the best venue yet since we started doing this back in March. Massive thanks, dude. We had the biggest turnout yet with about 23 people attending, some new photogs, and a great mix of work.
Want in? All you gotta do is submit a photo. And then, as always, show up.
Always interesting things to shoot at GBM.
Mark Walton of Foto:RE and Tony Reinhart the composition master.
This was like a holiday party edition of 3rdThur. So great.
Mark borrowed a projector to show the pre-gig submitted photos. At the size we’re at now, this is the only way to get through all the photos in a timely way. We would be super-happy to have someone sponsor a kick-ass projector for 3rdThur review. Let me know if you can help.
This space with the long hypotenuse wall is ideal for projecting and discussion.
Instagrammin’ Tony. Dare to square.
Interested yet? You can’t win if you don’t play, so book third Thursdays of the month in your calendar for photographic fun.
Happy shootin’.