Last Wednesday saw the launch of the Kitchener BIA magazine OWN IT. I was fortunate to be one of four photographers working on this project and I’m very proud of how it turned out. Once again, Kitchener pushes the Region forward by putting together this project that highlights stories about the community, by the community, for the Downtown Kitchener community. Five thousand of these magazines, printed locally at Cober, were sent out to postal codes in the downtown area last Friday. Check out the online version.
I love working with Kitchener because they have a vision and assemble a great crew to execute that vision. High fives to the other photogs Dean Landry, Matt Smith, and Dawne Taylor-Gilders. Great layout and concepts by designers Cindy Perri and Teri Lynn O’Brien, writing by the ever-awesome Anna Beard, and wrangling by Kitchener champs Breanna Crossman and Cory Bluhm. Thanks to the many other who made it possible and especially to the BIA members who support the work and make DTK awesome.
Hit the recently-refurbished Crowne Plaza for the BIA networking event and launch of the magazine.
Lots of familiar faces and new connections at this mixer. It’s always a kick meeting people in real life who have seen my work online but haven’t yet met me. I’m looking at you, Jane Snyder! Great to put a face to all that Community Access Bikeshare goodness. As I was high-fiving Jane for bike culture, her partner Karl Kessler came over and we had more high-fiving about Doors Open Waterloo Region.
Just realized I was so busy eating the snacks that I forgot to photograph the snacks.
Most delightful was Lorna Heidt on cello, kicking it with all the classics and every theme song from Game of Thrones to Gilligan’s Isle. Bravo.
Once again, nice work Kitchener.