Only 5 days left to submit your photo to our FLASH photo event. Deadline is Jan 4 at 11:59pm, but get it done early.
Through generous sponsorship we’re able to pay a rental fee of $34 per photographer for the use of selected images for the evening. Sure, it’s not a huge sum, but it’s a start toward reaffirming the value of photography and more broadly, the creation of any content. We’re going to be talking a whole lot more in 2015 about getting artists paid. The inherent value in a rich cultural ecosystem is matched by the economic development imperative for Waterloo Region, giving us all reason to roll up our sleeves to build a sustainable model for culture here. Here’s a good first step: participate by submitting a photo. It doesn’t matter if your pro or amateur. Doesn’t matter where you live or what the image subject matter is. What matters is that you submit that photo pronto. Do it here
I shot this photo above of a crane operator ending his shift at the City Centre construction site in Downtown Kitchener last week. I’m digging the analogue of physical construction to the cultural construction that lies ahead.