Hub Haps #009-Canon launches Innovation Lab

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Sweet, sweet news for the WR photography community today. Canon launched the Canon Innovation Lab at the Communitech Hub this morning. Before the event even got started there were lots of photographers afoot, as you might imagine…


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Matt Scobel is heading up the Lab here.


New partner name on the glass out front.

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Steven Field (I think?) shooting video with a lot of bolt-on peripherals.

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Nom Nom snacks.

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I took a fair amount of ribbing for shooting this with my Nikon D3, but honestly I just like making images, regardless of the tools. I’m vendor agnostic.

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This lab has been in a bit of stealth mode. The sign just went up very recently.

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Kurt Schwarz (right) was engaged to Myo-enable this pan-tilt-camera rig. With waves of his hand he could steer the camera and pull the trigger.

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Kurt had also hooked up Glass to the same end: “Ok Glass, take a selfie.”

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Meg was shooting for Communitech.

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So many cameras.

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Steve Yanofsky (left) Director, New Business & Strategic Initiatives at Canon Canada stands with Ted Egawa, Canon Canada’s President and CEO.

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Hey, Lisa Milsom is here. First week on the job for Communitech’s new Manager, Corporate Development.

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Alex Kinsella of Thalmic.

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It was jammin’ by 10:30.

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Jeff Nesbitt, Communitech’s VP Enterprise and Innovation

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Canon’s Steve Yanofsky. Don’t worry Sam, you’re not in the way.

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Canon Canada boss, Ted Egawa.

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And then the…

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speeches were over, and it’s…

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back to work for the Canon Innovation Lab, already up and running. Looking forward to seeing what cool things come out of this space.

A happy humpday for hubsters, indeed.


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