Who put the “George Briggs” in George Briggs Media? Alex George Briggs Marshall did. Here he is (at right) in a new space with a new mission to create a collective of kickass creative people. The GB Collective. Think “co-working space”, but with a vetted, cross-discipline bunch. Opportunities for collaboration and tapping both consumers and producers of creative content are in the plan. Alex was talking with curious visitor Matt Quinn of design firm Grand when I dropped by last week for a visit. Alex piqued my interest to visit when he described the in-house photo studio that GBC is constructing in their space. That’s something I haven’t found in WR.
The TL;DR: if you’re a designer, illustrator, photographer, person generally producing creative content destined for business, then give Alex a shout, or better yet drop in for their open house on Friday Sep 19 from 3-6pm at 108 Ahrens St. W, Kitchener.
I snapped a few pics while I was there…
I thought it would be a simple 5 minute walk over to GBM from The Tannery, but then I recalled that Ahrens St has been closed at the train tracks.
And Weber is under major construction. You’re best to come in from the north end, maybe from Wellington St.
The detour was kind of interesting.
This is it. And, hey, you can see Bob Egan’s shop in the green and white stripes on the other side of the tracks.
Alex Marshall, talking with…
Matt from…
Given the exterior of the building, I wasn’t expecting these cool wood floors.
I was however expecting…
cool retro…
I see so much when I photograph a space. It makes me slow down and really look.
Here is the rough-in of the photo studio. Lighting rigs will be ceiling mounted, to be pulled down as needed.
Alex is a multi-business guy, also running LENSHEADZ, renting out Canon lenses.
Construction on this space has likely progressed since I shot this last week.
Alexandra Froggett (hope I got that right).
I did not perform the Iron Cross on these rings, but I’m happy to have planted that visual for you.
Regular readers know I search out handwritten bits in old buildings wherever I go: Evidence of Human Life.
More recent writing…
about the new plan.
Alex and his crew shot a number of videos of startups at The Tannery and I spied the crew prowling around. Saw the work later and it looked solid.
I was really digging these bulbs.
Noir shot.
More bulbs! Focus-on-glass challenge accepted.
It would be fascinating to learn what ML64625 once meant here.
I think this creative collective model is compelling. Well-executed, it could be an all-around win. Alright, you know what to do.
This is Kitchener.
Nice to see Alex decided to stay in KW. When we met at kwartzlab to shoot the Structured Kickstarter video, he mentioned plans to move out to Toronto.