Pop-up photo review/critique/discussion/something

Photo Review

Hey photog friends,

Let’s get together this Thursday, March 20 at 7pm sharp at Imbibe, with one of your photos in hand and talk about it. I’m not sure what will happen, but there will be beer and at least one photographer.

It’s great meeting you all in my travels, and I’ve always wanted to talk more about our work. Specifically, I’m looking for critical feedback on my work in order to get better. Running open loop leads to mediocrity. So, 5 minutes per photo, keeping it honest, don’t be late, and participate (rhyme!)

Fortuitously, the very same night, photographer Meghan Weber, as artist of the week at Imbibe, has her photos up on the walls.  Music starts around 8 or 9pm, so photo talk may be time-boxed.  I look like this, so say hi, order a beer, slap down your print or iPad, and let’s talk.


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