001: [plz give me the names in the comments below]
Serendipity favours the engaged. I was late getting away from work on Thursday for Brother Night with Brohemus, so we didn’t get to Imbibe for a casual beer until 7pm. I was toting the D3 with a 50mm because, hey, you never know, right? The guy second from the right above was doing a sound check, and that’s not unusual given that there’s often music in this, my most favourite of joints. What *was* unusual, was the unexpected stream of fourteen awesome acts playing their hearts out that night. Seriously, my hair is blown back. We didn’t get out of there until after midnight.
Thanks to the players for the music and to their fans for good naturedly enduring me hopping around the place shooting photos. And thanks to Bill for having an awesome venue.
I know almost no names for certain, so please leave a comment below with the names, noting the photo number. If you dig my photos, please follow me / friend me / msg me. If you want to use one, I’m open to cash, trades, tickets, something. Like a lot of people, I’m working hard to get better at my art, and it’s appreciated when people ask for photos with something to offer in return.
This is Kitchener.
A freakishly large number of photos with a medium amount of redundancy follows…
Still cold outside for a bit longer.
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Let the show begin.
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I worked a bit to visually stack people on this shoot.
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I shot this all at f/2.8 at ISO6400. Very low light.
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Everybody did two or three songs and everybody was totally gunning it. There is nothing like live music.
008: the hand of David G. White
Hand of the workin’ man. Presumably Dave fabbed something at the shop that day that was 38 7/16” x 32 11/16”. He not only welds, but he’s also returned back to drawing after an extended tour doing oil paintings. Stay tuned for some work-in-progress shots of his latest piece.
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Cigar box slide guitar, FTW.
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014: [plz give me the names in the comments below] super-server Auston, right
There’s our man, Auston, behind the bar.
015: [plz give me the names in the comments below] James Bester, left, Auston, right
016: [plz give me the names in the comments below] James Bester, left, Auston, right, Alice on the mic
There’s Alice at the mic doing spoken word.
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020: [plz give me the names in the comments below] Alice, right
021: [plz give me the names in the comments below] Alice, right
She was great.
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Gravelly voice is what I remember.
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This guy was born to entertain.
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No-look shots, high.
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No-look shots…
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Lots of recording going on.
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Using elements within the photo to frame.
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I always shoot feet…
they tell a whole part of the story.
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053: the photos of James Bester
As a double-bonus, the evening featured the photos of James Bester, both on the walls and flatscreens. Great work.
054: [plz give me the names in the comments below] James Bester, right
Y’all know I have a soft spot for all photogs, and here’s the man himself, at right: James Bester. Click on his name, check out his photos, buy his work.
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Serious energy from this dude.
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Bands, like all artists, often bring their own fans.
061: Ian P. Albert also shooting
Meta. This is Ian P. Albert. He was shooting too, obviously. Good idea on wearing the nametag, since that’s how I know his name the day after.
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There were occasionally some…
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trippy juxtapositions (and I rarely use that term) of player and photo.
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066: James Bester’s photo business cards from the hand of Simone
James Bester has the best, most fearless “agent” named Simone, who hit us with these awesome cards right at our table, telling us about James. *That’s* how you move the work, people.
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Good times.
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Shooting fragments, as I call them, interests me.
081: David G. White aka Brohemus
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Bathroom lineup. Meet. Shoot. Totally forget name of this nice guy. Check.
087: James Bester and Simone
James Bester and Simone, possibly selling James’ photographs.
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A little abstract.
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This couple cracked me up.
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Stretching or dancing.
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There’s a beer, so as an aside, let me say that Bill MacTavish, owner of Imbibe (and now the Boathouse too, yeah!), has unknowingly turned me into a person that steers faithfully toward craft beers now… which happily are all you’ll find at Imbibe. I’m not working on commission, and actually I’m disincented to share this because if all of you go there, then no seat for me… ever. But this is *exactly* the kind of place that I want up and down King Street, so here’s what it looks like.
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This was almost the cover shot.
Tip your servers.
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Get down.
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The line-up. Can anyone tell me who set this up?
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full out.
Four different beers for me. This Maple was the best of the evening.
Hey! That sign wasn’t there when we walked in 5 hours ago.
This is Meghan Weber. She pegged my stealth-mode D3, having worked in a camera store. Nice one.
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The boys at the bar.
Coming up.
Aside: I love this rogue poster campaign, done just because. Cristina Almudevar wrote about this anonymous posterer in the Cord Community Edition.
Open. This is what community looks like.
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