Looking Up and In… coming to DTK in May


Very happy to learn yesterday that my proposal to The City of Kitchener was accepted.  Photos from my on-going Looking Up and In series will be projected atop City Hall from mid-May to mid-June.  Shown above, is a mock-up from my pitch, employing a night shot up Gaukel at King St.  The green thing topping the tower is my imagination.  It just occurred to me that this will be my second show in a row powered by Christie Digital technology: this time their killer projectors, and last time, their MicroTiles for the DISCONNECT show with Tony.

Check out a high-res version of one of these captures, and the rest of the print series.

Thanks to City of Kitchener for supporting photography and the arts, and thanks to H. for getting my submission to the content review group.  Looking forward to a great show in the spring sky.


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