1shot #043-benched


Outside Waterloo Public Library’s Harper branch.  I’m over there two or three times every week for various reasons.  Will add on an extra visit this week, having been invited by my friend, Waterloo Councillor Karen Scian, to chat with her and Councillor Scott Witmer and some other peeps at the first Westside Waterloo Community Leaders Breakfast.  Some people would ask, “What should I wear?”  I’m asking myself,
Which cameras should I bring?

So glad to have this awesome rallying point for the west side. 


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2 Responses to 1shot #043-benched

  1. I love it too. Has added a whole new dimension to the “west side” (aka where the cool kids live).

  2. karen scian says:

    Agree and agree! 🙂

    Looking forward to Tuesday morning – great shot, DW!

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