Hittin’ the bricks–Lego show in Mississauga

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I stopped maturing at age 11.  Ask anybody.  But you don’t have to be a kid to love Lego.  There are some *serious* makerly Lego creations on display over in Mississauga today and tomorrow.  Attended my first every Brickfête today at the Hilton on Airport Rd. where I learned that “AFOL” == Adult Fan Of Lego.  I also learned that when you have the resources of an grown-up and a vision, you can crank out some kick ass Lego creations.

Like I said, the show continues tomorrow (Sunday) 10am-3pm.  A few pics follow…

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The scale of the work will really…

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blow your hair back.

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Intense!  There are “Do Not Touch” signs everywhere.  Right!  800 kids and all this cool Lego.  It was a powder keg of tension.

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I estimated there to be 500 minifigs in this Lego circus.  Seriously.

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I was shooting wide open for a narrow depth of field.  Trying to mess with the sense of scale.  Without reference, how do we know how big this scene is?  Or is the Lego stud size as universal as the metric system?

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Saigon… I’m still only in Saigon.

I wasn’t sure about this event heading over, but having been I can say it was worth the hour drive.  Long live Lego.

Happy making,

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4 Responses to Hittin’ the bricks–Lego show in Mississauga

  1. Thanks for the post, we are glad you enjoyed the show!

  2. Pingback: Looking Down–beginning a series | makebright

  3. M & D IN THE POINT says:

    Who could have imagined that Lego would become so sophisticated? It has developed dramatically from your childhood set of Lego bricks! It was appealing then, in a small way and even more so today! Long Live Lego… great shots with your Nikon, Darin!!

  4. LEGO Fan Expo

    Ontario Brick Builders presents… Brickfête 2013
    JULY 13 & 14, 2013

    Hilton on Airport Rd. Toronto

    14,000 sq ft of LEGO creations
    built by hobbyists.

    What will I see???

    Unique and detailed builds including…

    •LEGO Robots & Mindstorms Creations
    •City Layouts with powered Trains
    •Space, Star Wars & Scifi Creations
    •Art, Architecture & Design
    •Planes, Trains & Automobiles
    •Historical Buildings and Castles
    •Pirates, Steampunk and Vikings
    •Mosaics & Sculptures and so much more…
    All made with millions of LEGO bricks
    … by hobbyists from across Canada and the USA.

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