5May2009 – old stuff that may still be useful
This salvaged bit with 5 pots was from a Sony monitor I believe.
It was another straight-forward reverse-the-board job…
and using a proper labbook this time
I just needed to jumper a few places to accommodate (+5V,Gnd) instead of the original (+5V,-12V) connections
and add the every-handy PC-guts wires to hook it to the Duemilanove
and then write a simple sketch (below) to read the 5 voltage levels every half second and send the result to a PC-hosted terminal
so you can see the values changing as I madly twirl the knobs. For the newly-initiated, a potentiometer is a variable resistor that’s handy for things like this case where you want to provide a circuit with a user-adjustable voltage. The Arduino looks at this analog voltage which in this case might range between ground (0V) and Vcc (+5V) (but not quite that wide because of the other resistors involved), and does an analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) via the sketch instruction:
val0 = analogRead(potPin0);
So now what was previously, say, 3.97 volts in the analog world is now 813 in the digital realm. I think this is a 10-bit ADC, so you take your 0V-to-5V and break it up into 2**10 (1024) discrete buckets that can be used to approximately represent the original analog value. (3.97/5.0)*1024 = 813. Here I just dump out these values to the terminal, but you might use them to control the speed of a motor or the brightness of an LED.
We can talk more about this in person at the Arduino meetup on Friday (I’ll be late, but I’ll be there).
Arduino code:
Read values on 5 pots on analog inputs 0 to 4 and send over serial port to host pc
Author: Darin White
Date: 2009-05-05
long i=0;
int val0=0;
int val1=0;
int val2=0;
int val3=0;
int val4=0;
int potPin0 = 0;
int potPin1 = 1;
int potPin2 = 2;
int potPin3 = 3;
int potPin4 = 4;
void setup()
void loop()
val0 = analogRead(potPin0); // read the values from the 5 pots all at once to get the best snapshot
val1 = analogRead(potPin1);
val2 = analogRead(potPin2);
val3 = analogRead(potPin3);
val4 = analogRead(potPin4);
Serial.print(" | ");
Serial.print(" | ");
Serial.print(" | ");
Serial.print(" | ");