Dear Cathy Farwell (BOX Art organizer extraordinaire),
After prototyping the BOXware Hat that Jim Erb modelled to promote the amazing BOX 11 Art Show & Sale (coming Nov 12-13), I got thinking about what you said about pet lovers and their pets. They need BOX11 schwag, too!
So I went back to the lab, designed this handsome BOXware Doghouse facade, and enlisted my very good friends Hilary Abel and Martha (above) to test drive it. You probably know Hilary from the ever-rockin’ RQ Magazine, the hot-wired-nexus-of-all-good-cultural-info blog that gets us all off our sofas and out into the community.
Martha was…
Much like the BOXware Hat, the Doghouse features the same laser-rastered and cut BOX11 logo with my corrugated cardboard cutout motif. Compostable, light-weight, and low-cost. And that got me thinking about what every dog needs…
a custom-designed BOXware Dog-collar.
Comfortable and stylish, this will be a must-have item for November’s art show, the weekend after Remembrance Day. Martha loved it.
Thanks to H. for–
Hold on, where did these photos come from?
(Feel free to suggest captions in the comment section below)
That’s a wrap!
With many thanks, I turned the models loose, and…
headed back to the lab to cook up more BOXware. Let me know what you think.
Interesting DW that you designed scwhag for a dog before a classy lady or a car! I do agree with you that Martha is one good looking model and does show her BOXware off with great class. Now about the photo where you said she loved her collar? I may be wrong but I’m not getting that from her expression?
Thanks DW. You’re a talent! Can hardly wait to see what comes out of the lab next. And thanks to Hilary and Martha too. I think you’re both photogenic!