Andrew Mackie, kwartzlabber extraordinaire, etched the kwartzlab logo into this aluminum plate…
by applying one of the decals that Ben picked up from Ian at Niche Decals (ND did the awesome decals for Ignite Waterloo). In this case, the decal was used as an etch mask to protect some of the aluminum from…
this stuff…
in a plastic tub for dunking, and then after scouring the decal off the aluminum, he got…
this: ta DA! Nice work, Andrew. I really like the mottled background of the unprotected aluminum. Andrew noted that the ferric chloride and aluminum had a rather vigorous and exothermic reaction, so this was a very short etch cycle.
Happy making,
Darin… here is one of the items I enjoyed on your makebright site… etching aluminium. The idea of etching a pattern while leaving out areas that are left blank and “unetched” is of keen interest to us older kids!
Thanks for showing your Mom and me your forward movement from kwartzlab to makebright and maybe other future possibilities… keep the Faith!
We hope to read many more upcoming features on this site along with your Blog!
Ol’ Dad