11111 Arts&Culture Rally last week


My arts sensei, Cathy Farwell, forwarded an invite to the 11111 Arts&Culture Rally hosted by The Alliance for a Grand Community (AGC), correctly gauging that this was yet another opportunity to connect with the local arts community.  Ben Brown and I packed up our trusty kit of kwartzlab swag and braved a snowstorm to get over to the Conrad Centre last Tuesday (yeah! right after the fieldtrip to Waterloo Engraving!)

Good turnout and lots of familiar faces.  There were some videos, speeches, discussion questions, and beers.  I came away from the night with reaffirmed conviction to keep doing stuff.

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So nice to see our very good friend Steph Tanner of Little Mushroom Catering rocking the bar and the food.  If you haven’t yet met Steph… well, that’s hard to believe, because she is absolutely everywhere.  Photographer Sean Puckett, in the cap, is Kitchener’s 2011 Artist in Residence.

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That’s right, try the dip and you will be hooked!


Jessica Jones-Deziel (Marketing Manager, Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony) was our very capable facilitator for the first round of talks.


Genevieve Twomey (Executive Director, Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony) was welcomed as the new chair of the AGC.


Terre Chartrand (Urbanely Urban), in red, was representin’ with friends.


Snapping away, I saw this friendly face and waving: hello Laurel McKellar (Director, Programs & Exhibits, THEMUSEUM)

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There’s Tracey Suerich (Public Square Co-ordinator, City of Waterloo), in blue, chatting with Genevieve.  Just wanted to show you the funky, light soaking blackness on the vertical of this theatre venue.  Like a holodeck.

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Bird’s-eye view reveals Hilary (RQ), front and centre, chatting with David Marskell (CEO THEMUSEUM) at left.

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The minimalist kwartzlab brand.

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Serious talk.

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Kevin Hansen’s (Monster Farm) back, with Jennifer Gough (Minds Eye Studio Art) at right.

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What did I accidentally do with my camera to make these people appear to be stacked on top of each other?  I like the effect: I’d just like to do it intentionally.

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Kirstie Patterson (Community Manager for KW Art Gallery), at right, was lightning fast on the live blogging.  Martin de Groot (Executive Director, Waterloo Region Arts Council), in black, beside Ben.

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Hey, artist Jack Jackowetz, all the way from Brantford.

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Great question, that I’ll work on when all the making’s done.


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3 Responses to 11111 Arts&Culture Rally last week

  1. Dan says:

    What did you do with your camera? You shot far away, zoomed in, with a small aperture. This made the depth of field fairly deep so that most of the people in the foreground to mid-ground are in sharp focus.

  2. Pingback: Monetizing the Making–upcoming kwartzlab talk–March 1 | makebright

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